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Thursday, September 3, 2009

No way!!

Have I really not updated this entire pregnancy?!?! OH my word, I stink :)

So far things are going great! I had a lot more of the first trimester sickies than I had with Katelynn, I am also carrying baby a lot different than last time. Those two little tid bits had me CONVINCED this little nudger was a boy. I was WRONG!!!!!! The ultrasound looked great, baby girl was SUPER active, and quite stubborn. Not that we are surprised on that one, I am surrounded by stubbornness in this house :) Baby still has no name, daddy is being a turd about it this time. He doesn't like any name but Ava and well...Ava is a no go for me. I am slightly considering it but for that to happen I will insist on MY middle name of Emory. If I had my complete way baby would be Madilynn Emory M. Our next name in the front of the pack right now is Natalie. Natalie Emily (the Em in Emily in honor the world's greatest grandpa). Baby girl is pretty active, I remember Katelynn was at this point also but this little one has her sister beat I think. I have started trying to figure the room out for the girls, I have no idea where either of them will sleep to be honest lol. Katelynn still resides in our bed at the moment. She has a bed and a crib in her room still. Daddy wants to move the crib into our room and move Katelynn into her bed and then when baby starts sleeping through the night she will be moved into the girl's room. To move the crib into our room we will have to move pretty much the entire house so I'm not holding my breath for daddy to really do that :) I think if anything we will get a bassinet this time and baby will sleep in that in our room. That's about all that is going on baby wise for us right now :) I'm half way done all ready WOOOHOOOO!!!!

Lets see, we bought a travel trailer. It's sooooooooooooo nice. I am beyond in love with it. We of course haven't had any time off sense we bought it so we have yet to take it out :( I will put pictures up but I will do it in a whole separate post cause it always messes up when I put it in a word post.

I can't think of much else that is going on, we are pretty boring these days :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New pictures...

Soooo...as my not so cooperative model is trying to show you, we have big news around here!

Looks like in about 9 months (Jan 13th by my calculations) Katelynn is going to be a big sister. We have our first Dr. apt. may 22nd, we will also have an u/s befor our appointment. Feeling good so far, get queezy often but no puking yet. Hopefully this little beanie isn't the drama queen that Katelynn was while I was carrying her. Hoping for nothing but smooth sailing this time :)
Anywho...that's the exicitment around here these days!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Anniversary to us!!!

I can't believe it's been a year allready!! Thought I would share some of the pictures from our wedding! I like the ones from the strip the best!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dress up!!!!

I think it's time to start hitting up the thrift stores looking for fun dress up gear. Katelynn now puts on her Christmas dress and dances around. At one point she had her pretty dress, frog boots, mommy's bra and daddy's hat on. She was bashfull tho and I failed to get a picture of that masterpiece :)

Of course I did get some cute pictures I must share....

So I am SURE I am going to regret this but we are having an adventure in potty training today. Katelynn pulled out a pair of big girl undies(Dora of course) and I figured I had nothing better to do today than clean up pee so I am letting her run around in her undies. So far no messes and I ask her about every five minutes if she wants to go potty and so far she hasen't. We will see how it all goes.
Going to bingo tonight, keeping everything crossed that I win loads of money. Goodness knows we could use it. My baby fund needs some dough :) I have all my Vegas money saved. I am taking more than I did last time as we are staying an extra day but not much. The more I bring the more I will spend.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Slide Show...

26 month update.

There were a lot of pictures for this month that I wanted to share so I just made a slide show. Click on it to play the show.

we had a busy month. Katelynn started gymnastics, she LOVES it. Mommy watches with a big ol grin on her face. I'm a proud momma! She gets to do all the things the big girls do, she just needs more help. She listens to teacher tho and does the best she can so we are very pleased.

Tom planned a special day out and we all went up to Olympia. We had lunch at the bbq pit place on the side of the highway, have always heard such great things about it. Glad we tried it but won't go back probably. Then we got to go to Barnes N Nobel, I have been on a crazy reading spree lately. I'm reading about a book every couple of days. Tom thought I would be in heaven and he was right!!!! Katelynn was pretty impressed as well. She found a Thomas the train track and played for hours. I got most of Katelynn's Easter basket there. She's getting alllllll books this year. She has so many toys that she never even plays with and she loves reading so I just got books. I found a frog and toad book and HADDD to buy it for her. I can remember reading frog and toad books with uncle Chris, I loved them. Maybe I can talk my uncle into reading it to Katelynn sometime, may have to bring frog and toad next time we make a trip to Steilacoom. I also found The monster at the end of this book and had to buy that one as well. That one reminds me of Joe Joe's. It amazed me how many books I found that made me think of being little and reading with my loved ones. I hope Katelynn will have the same special memories when she is older.

Katelynn is using more and more words. Still stubborn and will only say what and when she wants to but she's getting better. There have been less tantrums sense she started talking more which makes mommy a happy girl.

I guess that is enough for now.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ready for lotsa pictures?

Good...momma's been a busy girl :)

Katelynn brought all of her books and all of her animals into her crib to read to them *swoon*

My little Rockstar!

Bath Time!

Saving for her future :)

Now what mom, I'm bored?

One little monkey jumping on the bed!

This is a HORRIBLE picture of me but I caught K giving me one of her famous great big bear hugs that helts your heart in a picture so I just had to post it.

DId you make it through all that? Bless your heart, that why we love you! Hope you enjoyed your Katelynn fix.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Long to do list today.

Trying to get motivated to clean up the house today. Want to do a major top to bottom clean. Always hard to do with a two year old on the lose. I also want to bring out the new camera and take some pictures of the little monkey. Haven't used my camera sense Christmas, shame on me! Bought a workout video last night, will break that out today as well! Pretty sure alot of coffee will be required for today!

Not sure about Vegas anymore. hmmmm...we shall see.

ANywho...my to do list!

*all laundry
*steam clean carpets/couches
*clean bathroom/organise towel closet
*straighten hair
*work out video
*make dinner. Montery jack chicken with mushrooms and bacon. yummm

I think thats it for today!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Time to catch up.

With the holidays and our insaine weather going on latley I have been sucking it up on updating. We had a wonderful Christmas, very quiet. Katelynn loved all her presents. The little people sets are a hugeeeee hit. She even packs a bucket full of little people up at night and takes it to bed. *swoon* So cute! She also got alot of Dora stuff, all equally loved. Mommy was most exicited with all the cute new clothes she got! Great Grandma gave her a new doll with a bottle and bib and outfits, she carrys it everywhere now. Her dolly gets feed it's bottle alot. She's going to be a great big sister!

We had a birthday/late Christmas party up in Steilacoom my grandma's. It was VERY nice. So wonderful being around family we don't get to see very often. I meet my couzins new baby...well he's one and a half now so I guess he's not so new :( WHy do they grow so fast? Anywho, it was our first time meeting him. Grady and Katelynn got along very well. It was cute watching them play. Hope they can get together more often.

We have decied to take a trip to Vegas in June. Our friends are getting married and we think thats a great excuse for a second trip to Vegas. Our last trip I spent the whole time worrying about Katelynn/our wedding and by the time I got around to relaxing it was time to go. This time we just get to kick back and have fun. Were going for a couple extra days also. It's alot cheaper right now. I'm exicited. It will break up the long wait till October for us to start trying for baby number 2.

Thats about all I can think of for now. I am going to try and update more often. But I'm also trying to lose 60lbs by June so we shall see how both go lol.