I think it's time to start hitting up the thrift stores looking for fun dress up gear. Katelynn now puts on her Christmas dress and dances around. At one point she had her pretty dress, frog boots, mommy's bra and daddy's hat on. She was bashfull tho and I failed to get a picture of that masterpiece :)
Of course I did get some cute pictures I must share....
So I am SURE I am going to regret this but we are having an adventure in potty training today. Katelynn pulled out a pair of big girl undies(Dora of course) and I figured I had nothing better to do today than clean up pee so I am letting her run around in her undies. So far no messes and I ask her about every five minutes if she wants to go potty and so far she hasen't. We will see how it all goes.
Going to bingo tonight, keeping everything crossed that I win loads of money. Goodness knows we could use it. My baby fund needs some dough :) I have all my Vegas money saved. I am taking more than I did last time as we are staying an extra day but not much. The more I bring the more I will spend.
Great pics, she is growing up fast. Would like to see Mom & Dad in there with her every now & then :). Loved the slide show. Doing a great job.
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